Moving Forward One Step at a Time
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Spiritual Growth Coaching

Spiritual Growth Coaching

For nearly 30 years I have worked closely with people of all ages, helping them navigate their faith. I have enjoyed the privilege of meeting one on one to talk about their relationship with Jesus and how to navigate a life of faith.

Spiritual Growth Coaching is about helping you take steps forward in your faith. Together we will talk through your questions or struggles, examine your relationship with Jesus, develop spiritual practices, and set and achieve goals. Ultimately the aim is to help you know God better and walk with Him daily.

It’s said that direction not intention determines destination. You might have questions, struggles, or want to know God more and live for Him, and that desire within you is sincere. Often we simply hope our lives reflect what we want to be. No matter our intentions, hoping won’t get us where we want to go. Hope is not a strategy. Real growth requires us to be intentional now to be farther along later. Together, let’s activate the desire you have to move forward in your faith.

Sessions are done virtually and last one hour. We can meet as often as you’d like. Cost is $55 per hour. Use contact form to reach out.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11


28 years of full-time pastoral ministry in church and Christian school settings

30 years of encouraging, guiding, and discipling followers of Jesus

B.A. | Biblical Studies | Judson University | Elgin, IL

M.A. | Spiritual Formation and Discipleship | Moody Theological Seminary | Chicago, IL