Moving Forward One Step at a Time
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The Farther Along Blog

We're on a Mission From God


The classic 1980 movie The Blues Brothers features two brothers, Jake and Elwood Blues. The siblings set out to reunite their band to raise money to save the orphanage where they were raised. Throughout the movie, Elwood Blues, who is played by Dan Aykroyd, openly shares of their adventure with others by repeating the simple line, we’re on a mission from God. Of course he says this in a thick Chicago accent that makes it even more memorable.

What I love about this movie, besides the quotable moments, is the singular focus. They keep pointed at their goal, despite the predictable hi-jinx that take place. Without their mission from God, the movie would be nothing more than a very long Saturday Night Live sketch.

In late December of 2016 I attended a conference in Indianapolis listening to several speakers over a couple of days. The theme of the conference was along the lines of making your life count. The speakers shared about the mission of Jesus Christ and how He invites others to be part of what He is doing in this world.

I have been following Jesus since 1992, yet there was something about these days in Indianapolis that sat with me in a new way. A week later I was with 50,000 people in the Georgia Dome, singing about the greatness of this same God who invites us to be part of His mission to invite the world to know Him.

The transformation of my mind over these weeks caused me to realign some things in my life. I vowed to stop wasting so much time with meaningless things and instead be a greater part of the mission of Jesus in this world. It’s no secret that seven months later we relocated to Iowa.

While I really do love Iowa, I believe only God could convince a city person like myself to want to be here. Months after moving here, we learned there was only one Best Buy nearby. It was stunning. We were used to having at least four. I recognize I sound like the city-dwelling brat I might be, but hey - we adapted. I’ve even had pizza from a gas station. Iowans do this regularly. It’s weird, but we are become proud adopted Iowans.

Last week I learned what trap shooting was, and apparently it’s not shooting animals caught in a trap, which is what I always imagined it to be. I had reckoned it wasn’t something that required a lot of skill, but now that I understand it, it’s impressive - and far less cruel that I expected. A few years ago, I learned that an Ag major isn’t someone who studied at Texas A&M. It’s been a season of constant education.

We moved to Iowa because we believed in the mission of the church that invited us to come. They aren’t one of those churches that say they want to reach people. They actually …wait for it…THEY ACTUALLY DO IT.


I’ve dreamed about being part of a group of people who pushed past the barriers and limitations and actually engaged in the power of the God who called us into this thing to begin with. I have longed to be with a group of people who focused less on the people who were already following Jesus and instead mobilized those people to engage in the mission they were invited into.

Tonight, we had what we call a preview service in a community where we will open a new church campus in December. Something like 150 people came to a hotel theater on a 60 degree Sunday evening. A whole slew of people already connected with our church came from various towns across Iowa to volunteer and help execute this night. Many of these volunteers had already served at their own church campus in the morning, and many drove more than an hour to be part of this.

Why in the WORLD would they all do this? Because we’re on a mission from God.

I loved the energy and excitement of the people. Some said they wanted to do it again. Here’s the secret. We won’t actually do this again. There will not be another time that people come into their community and put on a service for them. Starting next time, they get to be part of putting on the service. They get to serve with kids. They get to engage deeper into the mission. I think that’s pretty cool. They saw it tonight. Next time they help do it. A compelling thing to be part of.

Here’s the point.

I have no idea what God has for me beyond this day. Maybe I’m here for a long time. Maybe God has other plans. Who really knows what tomorrow holds. However, I have been deeply enjoying a lot of things I get to do during this season, both inside and outside of my job.

Through all of this, what I want more than anything is to keep pointing toward the mission, to keep taking steps forward.

With every blog, every podcast episode, every preview service, every event, program, conversation and more, I want to remember that we’re on a mission from God.

Toward the end of the Blues Brothers, the focused duo are setting off for a key part of their mission, and Elwood gives Jake a quick rundown to see if they are ready.

There's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark out, and we're wearing sunglasses.

Jake replies, HIT IT!

The car accelerates. It’s a great moment.

May each of us respond to God’s invitation with that same eagerness.

Whatever you find yourself doing right now, may God continue to open your eyes to the invitation that awaits you to be part of something greater than yourself. May the God who spoke the universe into existence, with minimal effort mind you, remind you that He is really passionate about this mission.

He pushes past limitations.

He breaks through barriers.

He ignites hearts, renews minds, and focuses eyes on the prize.

Jesus. Knowing Him. That’s what it’s all about.

Let’s remember this together.

Rob Chagdes