Moving Forward One Step at a Time
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The Farther Along Blog

Fighting the Darkness


In January of 2020 I was driving home from the Des Moines airport. It was approaching midnight and I was wrapping up a long day of traveling. I had been in California for an incredible few days of learning how to better equip families. I was feeling good and eager to get home.

As I navigated the isolated route, I was surprised to eventually notice a snow plow in front of me. The weather had appeared clear so I was not anticipating facing any winter weather. As I passed the plow, it was as though a switch flipped. Immediately I found myself in blizzard conditions that worsened with every moment forward. The plow turned around and I was alone on the road.

The events of the next couple of hours were some of the most tense and fear producing of my life. There were no towns to stop in, no options to escape this weather, and no time to figure out a better plan. I gripped the wheel so tight that my hands hurt when I finally released.

The time I spent on that snow covered road with nearly zero visibility has left me with some anxiousness when it comes to night driving on isolated roads.

With that introduction, last night I traveled to meet with a group of people in a town about an hour and a half from home. I knew I’d travel back at night, and I knew I’d be traveling alone - but I also knew it was important to go.

At this point, I should share that this week has been rough. When I say rough, I don’t mean rough for me. It’s been rough for a lot of people around me.

There has been tragic loss of life and others grieving former losses. There has been hospital visits and unexpected decisions that hit hard. Yesterday afternoon I sat through a conversation where someone shared of a loss that unexpectedly hit me in such a personal way. I’ve seen some things this week.

As I sat with these people last night, there was this moment when one of my new friends made a simple comment that had a greater impact than what could have been expected. We were discussing our newest church campus, and the ways God has been working. She looked up and shared that her mom has been praying often for what was happening.

Not exactly a huge reveal, yet it was eye opening.

Someone who is not involved in this initiative is asking God to move in big ways. That happens to be exactly what we are seeing take place. He is moving in big ways.

I left encouraged, and started my drive home. Immediately I started to pray. I was not yet thinking about the isolated portions of the drive, but was thanking Jesus for the night, the people involved, and all He was doing.

I noticed a text from a close friend, and asked if I could call them. I expected a quick call to resolve the question posted in the text. What followed was an hour phone call filled with encouragement, problem solving, and laughter. When the call was wrapping up, I realized that I had passed the isolated parts of the trip without much thought.

I ended the call and hit shuffle on my “Worship Jamz” playlist. That’s right. I put a “z” on Jamz. I’m that guy.

The music started, and a familiar song began.

This is how I fight my battles
This is how I fight my battles
This is how I fight my battles

The lyrics played over me and with a strange and calming clarity

It may look like I'm surrounded
But I'm surrounded by You
It may look like I'm surrounded
But I'm surrounded by You

The truth is darkness will surround us.

Sometimes it will be on an isolated road in a winter storm.

Other times it is a community trying to reach people who need to know God loves them.

Darkness comes in death, in hardship, in difficult decisions, unexpected outcomes, and more.

Yet we fight.

We fight against the darkness.

We fight when things seem hopeless.

We fight against the lies that say “it’s over.”

It’s not over.

You may be surrounded, but there’s more to this picture than what your eyes can see. Jesus has surrounded whatever is surrounding you.

In the Bible, 2 Corinthians 10:4 says; The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

Prayer fights. Truth fights. Persevering with eyes on Jesus, believing He is who He says and He means what He has proclaimed. Hope fights.

And strongholds fall.

Prayer is more than words. Prayer changes things, people, circumstances.

We are not alone. He fights with us. He fights for us.

He was fighting for me as I drove through the storm. He is fighting for the group of people eager to see God move in their community. He fights for those who had a rough day, a challenging week, or a prolonged season of pain.

He fights in the darkness. He fights against the darkness.

Let us be people who are willing to pick up our weapons and charge toward the darkness, seizing the promises and the power of the God who surrounds us.

This is how we fight our battles.

So keep fighting. It’s not over. Open your eyes. He’s surrounding you right now. And he’s fighting.

Rob Chagdes