Nobody Told Me
I try to write in a way that encourages and inspires people. I think we all want to feel good after reading something. I don’t know that I can do that at the moment.
Right now I am sitting in my favorite local coffee shop thinking about the text I got earlier today. An absolutely wonderful person stepped away from this earth and is now in the presence of the Savior she loved so dearly. She was someone who single-handedly loved my daughter Meghan when she was an eight year old who had just moved to a new state and a new school. She left an indescribable impact on our family.
Nobody told me that life was going to be so filled with heartbreak.
Nobody told me the older I get, the more tragedy I would witness.
The other day I had a text conversation with another lovely person who has watched her hero in this life struggle with cancer for far too long. I do not know how that story will end, but I know it sucks. I feel so helpless in these moments.
Nobody told me that there were so many problems I could never fix.
Nobody told me that the more people I loved, the more I would see them hurting.
I think about death a lot. I’m not sure if everyone does this, but I find myself wondering when the suffering will hit closer to home. I can hear my mom yelling at me to “stop thinking about that” but sometimes I can’t help it. I don’t think I’m worried. I just wonder how much more is ahead.
If we’ve met, you know I have made a decision to follow Jesus. It’s been nearly 29 years since that day I prayed in my friend Dave’s living room. Jesus gives me hope. He gives me hope that those who love Him, those who trust Him will step out of this world and into His presence. He gives me hope that pain is temporary, and He brings comfort and healing.
Nobody told me that seeing healing would be rare.
Nobody told me that sometimes hope would be all there is.
As I was praying yesterday, I felt frustrated. I had this thought about how ignorant I have been to the realities of this broken world. God is good, this I know. I’ve tasted and seen His goodness. Yet as I prayed, leaning into my ignorance as though I was the one being wronged, I didn’t feel the hope.
Today that changed. God graciously reminded me of something Jesus said. I’d like to share that with you. Jesus’ friend John wrote it down, saying;
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. - John 16:33
Jesus told his disciples they would experience loss and hardship, but He would never leave them. They may be physically in the world, but spiritually they were in Christ, and this would never change. He’s saying that they belong to Him and He’s never going to let them go.
It’s super cool to realize that also applies to those who are His followers. He’s going to hold onto us and never let go. What a crazy powerful promise.
The next part kicked me in the rear. Not physically because that would be awkward, but figuratively. He promises trouble in this world.
I guess somebody did tell me. I tend to forget this rather easily.
He told me that I can take heart. This means have courage. He’s never going to leave me. Ever.
He told me that trouble is coming. I can count on it because I live in this world. I hate this part, but I cannot change it.
He told me these things so I can have peace. It’s going to be okay. Maybe not now. Maybe not later. But one day. I believe this.
He told me that He has overcome the world. I can count on all of these words because if this world has a butt, Jesus has kicked it so hard it can no longer sit down.
I don’t know what you’ve experienced. I don’t know how hard your circumstances are. Watching people suffer is one of the worst parts of this world. It’s part of living in the brokenness that He will one day heal forever.
Jesus has said He will be present. He will not leave us. He will give peace. He has overcome.
Maybe you will get hung up on why He doesn’t just fix things and heal everyone, but that’s a conversation for another time.
I know I can’t change what is. I know I need Him to be near. I know He’s got this.
He has told me. I need to believe.
I hope you’ll believe with me.
It’s better when we hold onto hope together.
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. - Revelation 21:4