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The Farther Along Blog

No Matter What

I read a disturbing verse in the Bible today. Don’t get me wrong, there are many Bible verses that make me uncomfortable. I still choose to believe God wrote this book, but that is a conversation for another time. I bring this up because this verse caused me to furrow my eyebrows and take a deep breath. Maybe you’ll understand why.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.


Yup, that’s it. That’s the verse.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m all for thankfulness. I do my best to say thank you and show gratitude regularly. No problems there.

For this is God’s will for you? I understand that to mean God’s desire for me. He’s saying because of how Jesus has worked in my life, God desires that I would be thankful. Got it. I’m on board.

My issue is the part that says, in all circumstances. That makes me feel uncomfortable.

I think it’s okay if the Bible makes us uncomfortable. It wasn’t written by your Uncle Larry, it was written by men who were inspired by Almighty God. That means there are going to be times when its words do things in our hearts.

I’ve read Shakespeare. His writings often inspire or confuse me. Sometimes both. Yet none of William’s brilliant words change the way I live. Now I’m getting way off topic.

I read this verse and then had an idea. I have this Bible program on my computer with a lot of commentaries on it. A commentary is a book that really smart people write to help others study the Bible better. I thought maybe it would redefine in all circumstances in a way I liked more.

This plan did not work out so well. It said about this verse; in every circumstance of life, even adverse conditions. That’s what I was afraid of.

It’s not that my conditions are as adverse as yours might be. They are not. It’s the reality that God’s desire for me is to have an attitude of gratitude no matter what. That’s a hard phrase to swallow. No matter what.

It means no excuses, no justifications. Just do it. Every time. Be thankful.

I kept reading and the commentary decided to twist the dagger more. The next words were: See Christ’s example. When God is making a point, He tends to make it a few times to be sure it sticks.

I don’t want to turn this into a sermon so let me head toward the point.

This year has been rough. I’ve lost people. I know you have too.

Right now people I love have the virus. Others are slowly recovering. Some are having to do all they can to avoid it.

I could keep going and talk about all we DON’T have. But instead I’m going to take this verse to heart.

I’m thankful for the good moments of this year and I’d like to list some.

  • Putting my 14 year old behind the wheel of the car for the first time and seeing her smile.

  • Exploring the great state of Iowa with my best friend who I happened to marry.

  • Celebrating the legacy of my father-in-law who is now with Jesus.

  • Having special moments with my brothers as their business closed its doors.

  • Going on a retreat to a lake house with my work team.

  • Watching my older girls navigate the challenges of this year by leaning on Jesus.

  • The moment there were no more political ads on YouTube.

There are of course so many more.

I suppose I wanted to go beyond “I’m thankful for health and family” and really get specific. I recommend this practice.

As Ben Rector’s new Thanksgiving song so eloquently says, the older that I get I see that life is short and bittersweet.

I turned 45 this year. I’ve lost friends younger than my age now. Life is a gift, full of joy and sorrow.

There’s just no time to not be grateful for what is. Sure I’ll mourn what is not, but I won’t stop there.

The Bible also says in Romans 8 that we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him..

I didn’t look that one up in the commentary because I think I already get it. God makes good out of anything. That’s pretty cool.

Did you catch the part that said in all things? God put the no matter what on Himself as well.

Be thankful, no matter what.

God works good, no matter what.

May we take this to heart and live it as best as we can.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. No matter what.

Rob Chagdes