Moving Forward One Step at a Time
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The Farther Along Blog

Stuck In Between Tragedy and Triumph


There’s something to be said about the days after tragic events.

The days that follow life altering events can be some of the hardest of our lives.

The time that follows a loss, a failure, or a heartbreak can feel like more than we can bear.

We might be confused. Feel disoriented. Perhaps we find ourselves in denial.

At times we are numb as we try to understand our new reality.

I can’t help but think of the day after Jesus died on the cross.

The disciples were confused, disoriented, maybe in denial.

Yet we know now what they didn’t know then.

Even in the darkest moments, hope never faded, the story wasn’t over, God was still writing His ending.

Life is often lived in the moments between tragedy and triumph.

We look back and see the hurt, and look forward and try to focus on the victory we long to embrace.

Patience can sometimes be like living through a pandemic. There’s nothing you can to do make it end, so you admit it’s hard and just try to make each day count, pushing forward one step at a time.

We are stuck in between tragedy and triumph.

We live between the garden and the kingdom.

Yet we stand here knowing there is hope.

Better days are ahead, maybe on earth, maybe in heaven.

Sunday is coming. The cross was not the end. The resurrection happened.

If you are still here, if you’re reading this, know that God has not forgotten you.

He sees, He cares, and He is standing with you in the gap of these days.

It’s been said that if you’re not dead, God’s not done.

Surround yourselves with people who will sit with you in the shadows of your pain.

Embrace those who know they cannot fix things on this side of eternity.

And know that hope is alive. Jesus rose from the dead.

He is writing your story right now.

And He gets the final word.

Rob Chagdes