Moving Forward One Step at a Time
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The Farther Along Blog

The Whole Story

It’s only a page

Maybe a paragraph

A sentence

A mere glimpse of the tale being told

Maybe it’s fiction

Maybe it’s factual

Maybe it’s a little of both

It’s still not the whole story

It’s not your story

It’s not my story

Our stories may intersect

If only for a moment

The collision leaves a mark

As for the mark itself

It tells a different story

Maybe it’s not a different story

But a segment of the one unfolding

A new story might emerge

The writer writes the story

The narrator tells the story

The players show the story

We find a way to influence the story

Adversity makes the best stories

Anger adds some spice




All within a page

Forget what you already read

I like this part better

It tells a better story

I don’t need to read the rest

It’s silly to go back to the story I knew

The story I once loved

Because I know the real story now

Oh and it’s a violent story

A tragic story

A sad story

A shocking story

A scary story

It’s the story I’m going to tell

But what if it’s just a page

Maybe a paragraph

A sentence

A mere glimpse of the tale being told

Rob Chagdes