Moving Forward One Step at a Time

Episode 18 - Being Victorious in Prayer - Dr. Bill Thrasher

Episode 18 - Being Victorious in Prayer - Dr. Bill Thrasher

About Our Guest

Dr. Bill Thrasher

(B.S., Auburn University; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary) has served on the faculty of Moody Bible Institute since 1980 and on the graduate school faculty since 1990, where he oversees the Master’s Program in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship. He is a frequent speaker in churches and retreats across the country. He has written numerous articles on a variety of subjects related to Christian living. His books include God as He Wants You to Know Him, Living the Life God has Planned, A Journey to Victorious Praying, Believing God for His Best, and Putting God Back into the Holidays published by Moody Publishers. He has also written How to be a Soul Physician, The Attributes of God in Pauline Theology, Experiencing the Pleasure of Believing God and Principles of Christian Living from Romans 5-8. He has written “Jonah” in the Moody Bible Commentary and has authored two online courses: Biblical Spiritual Formation and Biblical Spiritual Formation Lab 1. He is married to Penny and they have three sons: Will, Michael, and David. You can learn more on his website

Show Notes:

What we discuss with Dr. Bill Thrasher

  • Why prayer can be such a struggle

  • The danger of reliance on our own efforts in prayer

  • What a healthy perspective on prayer looks like

  • Avoiding prayer as going through the motions and approaching God with confidence

  • How temptations can be turned into prayer

  • Praying to God as a Trinity

  • Moving past self consciousness in prayer

  • The schemes of the enemy in keeping us from prayer

  • Persevering in prayer when it's difficult

  • One step to move forward in prayer today